(The final post)
My mother always said that I was optimistic. For the past several decades, I endeavored to roll the rock of liberty another mile or two, because it mattered to me personally. Most of my work was abstract and theoretical. It's time to discuss specifications, if the United States is to reclaim its sanity, shed the burden of piggish plunder, and focus on national defense.
abbreviated as concisely as possible:
Coast Guard & Corps of Engineers (one integrated agency)
Navy to defend North America, plus strategic Trident submarines
Air Force continental tactical air defense, air traffic control
Space Command (NASA subordinated or disbanded)
DEA reinforced by Marines and Special Forces
Passports, Visas, Customs & Border Patrol
CIA, NSA, DIA (one integrated agency)
covert cooperation with Britain, Poland, and Australia
FBI to pursue fugitives, gangsters, and terrorists
commercial airlines responsible for travel security
commercial overseas consular services
State Dept disbanded, U.N. expelled from New York
Army disbanded, Commerce, Interior, and Energy privatized
Budget $200 billion a year, plus R&D, testing, procurement
(at present we have a big inventory of ships, aircraft, and nukes)
education, medical care, housing, retirement pensions privatized
charities, states, and counties can provide welfare if they wish
TVA, GSA, USDA, BLM, USPS, VA, and Amtrak to be auctioned
Judiciary reorganized, judges chosen by lawyers and term-limited
Washington DC buildings auctioned, made into museums, etc
seat of government moved to Andrews Air Force Base
IRS closed, national security funded by shareholder "cash calls"
one share one vote, to elect a term-limited board of directors
price of shares will fluctuate according to security demand
big tech, big banks, insurers, and billionaires will bid for shares
political parties and PACs will probably want shares, too
no foreign shareholders, no foreign debt, zero foreign aid
no market regulation, SEC, FDIC, GSEs, FCC, and FRB privatized
Obviously, this can't happen overnight or absent social circumstances that necessitate grim constitutional revision. Converting the U.S. Government from a $7 trillion boondoggle to a $200 billion national security enterprise will be wrenching revolutionary upheaval -- huge write-offs and millions of pink slips. How could such a terrible thing happen?
Nuclear war between (take your pick) Israel, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea, Russia, or USA in defense of Japan or South Korea could do it. Conventional war in the Persian Gulf could do it, which seems likely enough. And we face imminent disaster at home.
I hope you understand that we're bankrupt. Two or three terms of Democrat rule will wreck the United States, no different than driving off a cliff in a crowded bus with bald tires and a drunken committee of incompetents at the wheel. Obama cut military spending and funded the "Arab Spring" that destabilized Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Arabia, and Yemen. His domestic policies crippled California, Texas, New England, and every U.S. city. A "Green New Deal" would not merely throttle the United States, it would kill it. Reelection of Trump as a last ditch, desperate, defiant rear guard war for the soul of America would be worse.
It's good to start a conversation about change. There is no divine right of stupidity, or race riots, or infinite spending on free shit at home and a world cop empire that failed in every lopsided war of choice from Vietnam to Afghanistan. The CIA didn't see the Iranian Islamic Revolution coming. No clue that a gang of Saudis would attack the World Trade Center. FBI warnings were ignored. Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Mossad phony evidence and Jewish neo-cons manipulating dumbshit George W. Bush like a frightened child. Trump is no better, bamboozled by NIH and CDC bureaucrats and kneecapped by Pentagon skunks. The conspiracy of Congress, the Deep State, and Obama judges stinks worse than rotten eggs, a nonstop assault on middle class white families who fear for their children.
I know how important Social Security, Meals On Wheels, and free health care are for millions of elderly. I depend on all three of those entitlement programs to survive, because I'm old, ugly, isolated, and impoverished. It would be swell to have another check for $1200 from the Treasury. However, ponzi schemes are destined to end in disaster for everyone.
War, inflation, and chaos are only a matter of time. In 1776 the issues were similar, tyranny and tumult inflicted by a corrupt Parliament. Centuries of rivalry and warfare among France, England, and Spain roiled all of Europe, the Americas, Australia, Indochina, and Africa. The way our Founding Fathers dealt with it was to let the world go to hell, stay out of it, after we won independence. Our government was small, focused on defense of the United States, and funded by wealthy citizens. See www.robert-morris.com
The genius of federalism is a laboratory of States, free to experiment with gun ownership, taxes, abortion, LGBT, interstate pipelines, welfare benefits, renewable energy, etc. An implicit constitutional guarantee of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness means that a citizen can vote with his feet, move from one state to another. People are fleeing New York, Illinois, and California in droves, but the blessings of liberty have been quashed by decades of national fascism, imposing Federal laws, regulations, unfunded mandates, and taxes.
My strategy is no Federal taxes, no Federal legislation, privately funded national security. That's how the United States began and why we prospered as a formerly free society. What happens overseas is irrelevant to our national interest. Admitting millions of refugees is a policy question for the several States to consider, costly California sanctuary, for instance. Other states are equally free to request Executive deportation of illegal immigrants. Stern interdiction of narcotics should be a national priority. Mexico is nearing collapse as a civil society. I would send in the Marines, with DEA scouts and CIA interrogators.
Unfortunately, I will not live long enough to witness the cataclysm that will anguish a nation and paralyze its bankrupt government -- until a committee of moneyed patriots offer to buy the damn thing, to rescue and refocus national defense. My job is to bequeath six words to future shareholders, a simple creed that should be chiseled in stone at Andrews.
Justice is the defense of liberty.
If there's any doubt that national security can be achieved on a preposterously cheap $200 billion budget (in 2020 dollars) I will remind you that 3/4 of current Federal disbursements are entitlements, 3/4 of military spending has nothing to do with defense of North America, and 100% of the remainder is bloated bureaucracy and emergency handouts because you were forbidden to work, operate a business, or go to school. Our cities and towns have been flooded with narcotics, riots, and murder. Police recruitment collapsed. Heather McDonald summarized the domestic social situation in two words: "It's over."
The $25 trillion we owe China, Wall Street, Tel Aviv, oil sheiks, Grand Cayman, Isle of Man, and Bahamaian drug money launderers? Like Heather said: "It's over." Try and collect from a bankrupt government that was sold at auction and stiffed millions of unionized workers.
It's best to view the U.S. Government as an insurance company that became insolvent and can't provide to its beneficiaries the security and cash that it promised to deliver, having collected revenue and borrowed funds for that purpose. It's irrelevant that it was organized as a public member-owned mutual company. It has to be wound up by a receiver, its assets auctioned, and outstanding claims settled for pennies on the dollar. I would give priority to disabled military veterans who were promised medical care, and a lump sum Social Security settlement. Nothing for politicians and bureaucrats who drove government into a ditch.