Smooth BBC liars lull me to sleep at night, an old habit.
But I hate waking up to communists on NPR. This morning it was TED radio hour, a billionaire early investor in Amazon. No, no, not good enough to give away his own loot. The only way to end income disparity, he said, was to take away everyone's wealth, a 50% tax on income and capital gains. Those who earn less than $100K to be paid time-and-a-half for 40 hours a week, a $20 minimum wage. Big round of applause from the Stanford social warrior TED audience.
What do rioters and antifa want? Destruction and looted luxury goods. Run the police ragged and attack them with rocks and fireworks. Next it will be snipers, like the guy who killed five cops at a Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas. Bad joke on Chicago, hiring the black chief of police who resigned his do-nothing job as top cop in Dallas. Not to be outdone in symbolic idiocy, Dallas hired a black female police chief. The murder rate in both cities increased.
George Floyd? - a dangerous felon with a long rap sheet for armed robbery and assault. He resisted arrest, too doped up to talk sense, a giant that took four cops to wrangle. Did they find a gun in his car? Crack, meth, PCP, or heroin? There was a hostile crowd to watch. No wonder they called for back-up in bulletproof vests. An official autopsy showed no airway injury, no neck injuries. George Floyd tore away in a fentanyl-amphetamine "speedball" stumble. Cops knew he was seriously stoned, held him down, waited for EMS to arrive.
"Universal condemnation!" Hannity proclaims, silencing debate. "He was a Christian man!" Metaxas yells. "No justice, no peace!" mobs of brick throwing protestors cry. In Chicago they didn't need prepositioned pallets of bricks and fire accelerants like Minneapolis, New York, and Washington DC. Looters carried bowling balls, baseball bats, and long handle shovels to smash windows in downtown Chicago, with 132 Chicago cops injured by black rioters.
200 NYPD cops injured, 40 squad cars damaged. 114 District cops and U.S. Park Police injured defending the White House. Every major and minor city in America looted and burned. 75 million white people cowering at home, forbidden to work. Target abandoning 105 looted, boarded up stores. CVS shut locations in 20 states. WalMart closing 100 stores. No fire and casualty insurance payouts for civil strife. Cops in Altanta fired for arresting black agitators. Cops in Buffalo and the Bronx run over by cars. A Vegas cop shot in the head point blank.
Our nation is dying.
Tom Gresham has the right take on it. Antifa is an organized assault funded by Democrats. Don't get involved. Cops can't tell if you're a good guy. They can't see the halo on your head. If antifa rioters try to pull you out of your car, use the skinny right pedal and floor it. If you have no other choice, windows being broken out, light 'em up. Tom carries a double stack automatic, like police do, plenty of ammo to deal with multiple assailants. Antifa thugs are equipped with weapons and firebombs. They shot cops in three states. Don't be a victim.
I hope the military can contain China, Russia, and Iran, virus or no virus. Our adversaries will try to take advantage of economic collapse at home. We might lose the White House, not in November, I mean August. Depends on how heavily armed Black Lives Matter is. I've heard it a hundred times in radio ads, cheery and confident realtors and travel agents: "This too shall pass. When life gets back to normal..."
The depth of willful Republican blindness is astonishing. 82 shootings, 19 dead in Chicago last week, unrelated to the riots. As usual, Mark Levin has everything upside down, blinkered by his brief tenure working for Ed Meese. He's a Trump flagwaver, demanding military action, and he fantasizes that FBI agents and U.S. Marshals can infiltrate antifa undercover. Middle aged tough guys in crewcuts will fit right in, no problem, huh? Jeez.
The right thing to do is to withdraw the cops. Business owners can leave town or defend their property with the 2nd Amendment. Shut down all public schools and fire brainwashed union teachers. Give the school buildings to private organizations, religious or commercial. If cops want to do something, they should attack the narcotics trade as fiercely as Elliot Ness. Either that or pack up law enforcement as a proactive enterprise. Let dope-addled gangsters kill each other. Big cities are no longer needed to conduct finance, trade, or higher ed. The future will be digital and decentralized, in small towns and well-defended enclaves of excellence, none of which will be in Nigeria or Congo. No wonder that freed slaves adamantly refused Lincoln's offer to send them home with grubstake reparations.
No virtue in voting. That's how we got into this mess. Ben Shapiro is hilarious. "We're still a civilized country!" he exclaims, urging Trump to mobilize the 82nd Airborne to tame L.A. and defend Beverly Hills synagogues, jewelers, and Jewish media tycoons. "Where the hell are the authorities?" he rants angrily about Jews being attacked by black looters in Brooklyn.
Every morning another shock. Not important that cops are being shot, four more in St. Louis. There's a far bigger problem. Amazon borrowed $10 billion at 24% annual interest. Consider what that implies, if you understand credit. It has to be a false or garbled report. The least creditworthy junk borrowers paid less than 12% last year. If it's true that Amazon is shelling out usurious 24% as a bad credit risk, then capital markets are frozen shut. I think that makes sense. Credit quality from coast-to-coast crashed. Risk rocketed to the stratosphere. The oil industry is bankrupt, hanging on with Federal bailout loans. Don't depend on refineries to continue in operation. Convert as much as you can to propane or natural gas.
Cops have warned that they can't respond to home invasion or assault. Arm yourself like the citizens of Cicero, Illinois. Curfews are meaningless. National Guard helicopters might work. But martial law and social distancing have killed any hope of normalcy or progress. Trump is indelibly painted with racism, fascism, and crony capitalism. Truth is the first casualty of war, and war was declared long before Trump took office.
Postscript to Mark Levin. Dems are done with Jews. You've been cut out of the coalition. The Republicans say they care about equal rights, but it might be empty words. They remember what happened to George W. Bush, sandbagged by Wolfowitz and Pearle. Trump is in your corner, but he's on the way out. Public service is a dead ideology. Cop recruitment collapsed, resignations up. Forget about the mainstream media. They're doomed dinosaurs. Antifa is coordinated on dark web Proton. If I were you (which I'm not) I'd move to Israel. "There was progress being made!" you moaned on June 1st, but it's over, all gone, and you know it. An endless lock-down for the Wuhan panic, half of all deaths in nursing homes, something else to wrongly pin on Trump. Now a Democrat funded insurrection, New York City smashed and bleeding. No way back from Obama's calculated civil war, and Ray Charles can't fix it.
I just heard a BBC interview with the brainless girl mayor of Rochester. I hereby certify that America is finished. It's over. We're the walking dead. California and New York lawmakers and mayors are in favor of defunding police. Their summer soldiers and midnight assassins are targeting cops, three more ambushed in Brooklyn last night. Don't underestimate the criminal conspiracy to sabotage law and order. Car dealers cleaned out in San Francisco and Chicago, keyboxes pried open, 150 new cars stolen. ATMs blown up and robbed.
The BBC asks rhetorically: "Is America ready for real change?" Change from what to what? Merit to mush. Liberty to reparations. Mob rule.
Mark my words. Taking down the statue of Lee was only an opening salvo. They won't stop until they change the flag, fifty stars on a field of blue black, and the national anthem: "Oh, say, does our new spangled ban-aa-anner now way-ave, o'r the lan-and built by slaves and the home of George Floyd?" Black generals, black admirals, black teachers and doctors.
It's over. There will be secession.
The uptick in jobs and Wall Street share prices? Your tax dollars at work, $2 trillion poured into small business, used car sales, mail order consumer spending. What it amounts to is a near fatal shot of cocaine. Senate leader McConnell is in full panic, has to push through more borrowed paper funneled through terrified bankers, injecting more horse into the economy, pending more theft, riot, arson, cops and Marines told to stand down, unarmed, make nice with mobs who will castigate, chant obscenities, and throw things at them.
Oh. Something else to think about and take appropriate action. $10 or $12 trillion created by fiat, rather than creditworthiness, will exhibit itself in devaluation of the U.S. dollar overseas and domestic inflation, another reason to cut off lending. Save every penny you can, work if you can, and spend nothing. No new clothes, no new shoes, no kitchen remodel or roofing. Consider a rural Flyover bugout when your job goes poof. Rising prices will kill construction and socially distanced drinking and dining. Risk averse Americans are not going to fly more than once on a crowded plane suffocating in masks, exchanging nervous glances.
Don't be a chump. Boeing is still in business because they have a fat contract to build tankers based on the two-engine 757 airframe. Has nothing to do with passenger aircraft sales. Their order book is a big blank page, passenger airline orders cancelled worldwide. The 737 MAX might never be cleared to fly. It depends on what Obama decides to do. He might impose a hiring quota or simply push Boeing into bankruptcy, to punish white executives, engineers, and skilled mechanics. China would certainly prefer to have Boeing shut.
Eventually, we'll have a multi-billionaire Chinese U.S. president, er, Chairman. I don't enjoy being clairvoyant or realistic about the future. Obama always was and remains a completely treasonous foreign policy fool. Do you think Joe is capable of resisting what Barack tells him to do? A tiny hypodermic poke would promote Michelle to the Oval Office.
Unvarnished truthfulness is usually painful. The hundreds of thousands of black marchers infected each other with Wuhan Corona-19 virus. Our media embargo on who George Floyd was and why he died, from narcotics, a failed struggle to escape, and high blood pressure from a lifetime of greasy fast food and drug and alcohol abuse, is another suicidal march of death, 24/7 repetition of inflammatory lies, smearing cops as racist killers, all black people innocent victims entitled to six-figure reparations and public office.
Infinitely worse, the fabric of American life was shredded. No fair trial in Minnesota. Guilty by threat of mob violence. Ballot harvesting, one-party Democrat rule, confiscatory taxation, and a Green New Deal to silence and starve greedy whites.