Sunday, January 13, 2019

Dear Rush

I think you're capable of understanding, so I'll lay it out in simple terms. There is no divine right of incorporation. Voting doesn't change that. Exhorting folks to vote differently will not change it. People always vote their wallets. Fifty percent of workers are directly or indirectly employed by Federal, state, local, utility and school district governments -- all of which are "fictitious legal persons," no different than corporations. The unemployed get free food and medicine from government. Social Security and Medicare recipients are paid far more than they paid in. Medicaid is a free ride for every wetback and anchor baby, every heroin addict, meth head, gang banger, and their SNAP sucking extended families, who are motivated to vote more unearned "rights" supported by taxation -- free lawyers, frivolous appeals, prison doctors, food, exercise, education, charity, and parole supervision, unless they're deported at taxpayer expense to repeat the whole idiotic cycle of catch and release again.

U.S. military veterans atone for killing foreigners by milking us twice, lifetime benefits and public salutes. Remind me, please, what's the purpose of exploring Jupiter's moons, landing another robot on Mars, or flying past Pluto? How many millions of children get free breakfast, lunch, and dinner served by schools that do not and cannot discipline or educate them?

There's no easier path to power than being born black, becoming a community organizer, a teacher, a pro athlete, a must-hire academic, a paper pusher enforcing affirmative action, or an ugly thug chanting rap. Jews don't have the problem of community organizing. Jews own you, them, and us. Jews don't worry about skyrocketing drug deaths, homelessness, suicides, migrant caravans, pot consumption, gaming, pornography, binge viewing, or social media  -- fatal goy dissipations that are cash flow positive for Jewish bankers and media barons.

How is it our permanent duty to guarantee the security of Israel? Japan? Korea? We support dictators and Islamic honor killing in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan, throw big bucks at corrupt Haiti, Iraq, Columbia, Mexico, Uganda, and South Sudan. We have troops in 120 countries, 3.4 billion square feet of Federal government structures, plus 230,000 state and local offices, schools, hospitals, jails, and higher ed lecture halls. Total national public debt is never discussed. States, localities, and their utilities owe nearly as much as the Federal folly, measured in tens of trillions, with hundreds of trillions in unfunded obligations. If interest rates were allowed to float to an historic average, say 4%, it would kill leveraged con artists from sea to shining sea, halt shale drilling, mortgage lending and construction. We're paying farmers not to farm, bureaucrats to party in Vegas, students to stop free speech, and TSA to paw infants, cute chicks, and frail white grandmothers. FBI field agents reported that Saudi diplomats financed Saudi commandos who trained to fly jets in Florida, and did nothing to stop them. Russia warned the FBI about the Tsarnaev brothers. They were interviewed and cleared, no different than the Orlando gay nightclub jihadi. Comey and Mueller had much more important work to do, protecting the Clintons and investigating Trump.

Face it. All of it, every bit of it, was the handiwork of democracy. There was no definition of justice provided in our allegedly sacred corporate charter repeatedly amended by legislation and judicial fiat. In the Legal Tender Cases over a century ago, common law was burned and buried, so that legislators could do whatever they pleased, and they were pleased to rob their neighbors' purses, to hand out loot that they did not earn, and to pledge more theft in the future to satisfy foreign lenders and future entitlement beneficiaries, perpetuating a preposterous ponzi racket, stage managed by Goldman alumni and K Street lobbyists.

There is no divine right of incorporation, certainly not as a carnival sideshow led by crooks and liars. If I was Donald Trump, I'd say to hell with it and quit. I'll ghostwrite a resignation tweet: "It was stupid to reelect evil rats like Pelosi and Schumer. You're fired, America."

I appreciate that you've achieved a lot. I listened to your radio show since the 80s, watched your short-lived TV show, and I'm okay with your trademark bombast about "talent on loan from God" and "excellence in broadcasting." Arguably, the Tea Party could not have come into being without dittoheads, although it was Rick Santori who kicked it off. A lot of folks were prominent players, especially Roger Ailes, right?

Too little, too late. We went to hell on 9/11.

Big surprise, huh? Cantor Fitzgerald was targeted. Nobody asked why. The secret Cheney Energy Commission had already chosen Iraq as a strategic plum, and it was easy to convince dumbshit George W. to blame Saddam, a former ally given battlefield chemical weapons. Mossad ginned up "evidence" of yellowcake and aluminum tubes. No curiosity why Exxon and Halliburton needed Iraqi oil, or why Saddam had invaded Kuwait because they were drilling horizontally, or why Arab clerics led commandos to attack Cantor Fitzgerald twice, starting with the garage bombing in 1993, payback for Harry Truman's creation of Israel and deployment of American power to defend legally indefensible Zionist conquest of Palestine. The successful Islamic revolution led by Khomeni proved that American oil companies could be ejected and CIA "royal" pawns dethroned.

Look, I understand entertainment, especially comedy. You had a winning package, hilarity and jingoism, snarky sarcasm and triumphal flag-waving patriotism. It made you rich and famous, an asset to the entrenched ruling class in Houston. Swell for you, sewing together evangelical Born Again boobs and easily-led boomers who wanted government off their backs and out of their bedrooms. Care to explain how Obama won two terms and killed the health insurance industry, ignited race riots, and launched a murderous Arab Spring?

You, more than anyone else, were personally responsible for the murder of millions, waste of trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan, chaotic tomfoolery that destroyed the Republican Party, and the meteoric rise of populist savior Donald Trump. Happy about that, are you? It's about to explode, another Limbaugh laugh riot gone rotten, excellence in cheap entertainment, playing pattycake with a frightened, angry middle class who think that a bankrupt sovereign corporation and comedy will make them prosperous and safe again. It won't and can't.


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