Sunday, April 5, 2020

Storm clouds on a black horizon

Mark Levin is rightly alarmed. The details don't matter. Have you read Atlas Shrugged? We're nearing the dystopia of government directives, empty factories, and gutted transportation, a moratorium on brains. The Wuhan virus was a sort of trapdoor. State after state, people were ordered to go home, do nothing. It's becoming clear that lock-down will never end. Printing helicopter money is economic poison. $20 oil is worse. Looks good at the pump, 99 cents a gallon, 79 cents a gallon, nowhere to go, police stopping cars at roadblocks, churches closed, playgrounds and parks closed. A sole surfer arrested on an empty L.A. beach. That's all on the surface, upsetting but unimportant. Oil companies, distributors, and gas stations are going broke. Big rig truckers and food distributors will be next.

Do you know who's in greatest danger from the Wuhan virus? Forget about the elderly and infirm. Almost a million die every year. Doctors and nurses are in greatest danger of physical collapse and infection. Ditto big city cops and EMS, so-called first responders. But I digress. Government has rushed student doctors into practice, granted "temporary" licenses. Police badges are being pinned on new recruits, no training or qualifications required.

Perhaps there'll be a November general election, a handsome pervert like Andrew Cuomo with pierced nipples chosen to replace Donald Trump. I'm sure the victorious Democrats will want show trials to punish Trump's honesty.

Oh, well. Whatever else I might have said is no longer possible. My laptop display is cracking up. Good old workhorse, a million words in publication, a couple dozen heroic fictional men and women for whom liberty is a personal possession, price no object. I'll shut it down and see if it recovers.

I don't think people appreciate how important diesel fuel and big rigs are. If truckers get sick or quit in disgust, America will starve to death, no gasoline delivered to your village, no food in the grocery store. Government is going to print trillions. It will be spent on alcohol and narcotics. Not a single free helicopter dollar will result in productive activity. I'm mindful of the money earmarked to support the "national security" sector, producing war birds, ships, and munitions. No one prospers by killing people and breaking things. No one ever has.

In an earlier post, I predicted that we'll be stuck in this fascist hell 15 months, assuming that there's a safe, effective vaccine next year. Economists now predict that recovery will take at least three years. So sad, the America of my youth is dead. We have never fought over toilet paper before, never surrendered our liberty before. It's impossible for a boy and a girl to hold hands in a movie theater, sip chocolate malts at a diner, kiss goodnight under a porch light.

I don't blame politicians or doctors. I blame the pajama boys and fags, activist judges and academics who stumped for safe spaces, denaturing our courage and installing cowards in public office. There will be hell to pay. The Navy hospital ship parked in Los Angeles harbor has admitted no patients. What we are suffering is a gigantic political hoax. Among 40 million Californians, 370 die every day from cancer, heart failure, car accidents, overdoses, and old age. Only four more per day have died from Wuhan virus. California was infected early and often by thousands of Chinese arrivals in December and January, and tens of thousands of Californians were infected, before anyone knew that their mild symptoms were a "fatal" corona virus. They recovered and developed herd immunity. Shutting down the California economy was unnecessary. Farm laborers have been denied visas. We're going to lose the agricultural produce of California by NIH incompetence, distrustful and envious of liberty.

The steamroller of fascism is truly breathtaking. Pervert Cuomo has just issued an order to seize all private hospital PPE and operating room ventilators, stripping them of heart surgery and emergency care. By the time this is over, there will be industrial expropriation, scarcity, inflation, looting, murder, martial law, strikes, and insurrection.

Montana and Alaska will secede.

The United States was a unique nation with an uninterrupted history of civil liberty. Fascism will not stand, will not be suffered by a free people.


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