Ever helpful Coast To Coast AM had an amateur psychologist last night,
warning other ladies to steer clear of sociopaths who are selfish, heartless,
clever lovers, constantly tell lies, take your money, and abandon you for another
woman. Corporate CEOs and used car salesmen can't be trusted. Sociopaths are
born selfish and heartless. A lot of them were juvenile delinquents and
criminals later in life.
I saw myself in her target group. While 99% of mankind are obedient,
industrious, unselfish, and full of love for everyone and everything, I'm not.
The lady psychologist admitted that sociopaths are intelligent. They know what
they're doing. Yes, women are equally disposed to selfish, manipulative,
deceptive, abusive behavior, she conceded reluctantly. Glad that's settled. Doesn't
explain Russians, Nigerians, or Democrats, but I acknowledge all the
selfishness and recklessness I exhibited from an early age.
"Cognitive abstractions are formed by the criterion of: What is essential?
(epistemologically essential to distinguish one class of existents from all
others). Normative abstractions are formed by the criterion of: What is good?
Esthetic abstractions are formed by the criterion of: What is important?
An artist does not fake reality, he stylizes it. He selects those aspects of
existence which he regards as metaphysically significant, and by isolating and
stressing them, by omitting the incidental and accidental, he presents his view
of existence." (Ayn Rand)
Yup. It's there in every word I wrote, every harebrain adventure I led,
every thrill of passion I felt with women and dangerous opponents and comedy
writers. Alice Cooper is a hoot. WKRP was a triumph of ensemble comedy. I
directed a lot of goofball antics on film and tape, loved every minute of it.
What was the question? Oh, right. Damn sociopaths ignore government and
fair play, explore for treasure in jungles and on the high seas (oil & gas,
tuna, gold, cobalt, etc). They fight like wildcats if they're cornered,
insanely brave Ukrainians and colonial American scofflaws. Live free or die.
Excuse me. A bumblebee bumbled in. Go outside! — I talk to bumblebees and
they obey. The dog not so much. He has exaggerated notions of dignity.
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