Saturday, March 28, 2020

Money equals freedom?

No matter what bartender-in-chief Sean Hannity says, it's always the dumbest possible guff. "Money is freedom!" he crows in praise of saving $10 on a sponsor's cell phone deal. "Belief in God gives you a tremendous confidence," he riffs. "Thoughts will create feelings and then feelings create more thoughts and it never ends. You have to find a happy medium, and for me that's belief in God. I never worry what people say about me."

Bullshit. Hannity is glued to broadcast rating reports that he constantly misrepresents: #1 on radio [wrong, it's Rush Limbaugh], #1 on cable [also wrong, it's Rachel Maddow just as often]. Poor Sean, has to read from a script and say the same thing over and over. Savage calls him "The Wallbanger" and ridicules Hannity for being a high school dropout who's idiotically and irresponsibly pushing a dangerous synthetic quinine drug as a cure for Wuhan virus, available over the counter as fish tank cleaner. Two dead from drinking fish tank cleaner.

I have a different beef with Sean Hannity. He can't dance. He plays 1-3 shitkicker music as his show intro. And he likes to air endless gossip with a black woman named Thelma, sends her idiot children complicated electronic gismos, says he doesn't care that Thelma is a Democrat, and hangs on every word of her brainless admiration and personal trivia. One can imagine Hannity putting a paper napkin on the bar for her and mixing her favorite drink, a Pink Lady with an umbrella and a maraschino cherry.

I shouldn't fart on an Irishman who clears $10 million a year, after paying another $10 million in Federal, New York State, and New York City taxes. He works 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, abundantly grateful to be a prominent celebrity with a White House security pass. I can't do what Hannity does. I don't have anything to say to Trump or a TV audience.

What I have to say, contrary to Hannity's creed, is that money does not equal freedom. How much freedom does Hannity have? He has to read scripts written by others, plug sponsors as enthusiastically as a whore smiling in agreement with a drunken thug, and toe the party line, no matter how empty, calculated, or logically self-impeaching. No wonder he likes Thelma. They toss nerf balls at each other, moral midgets with nothing at risk. God bless you, Sean and Thelma say in parting, a shared theology of no harm no foul.

Funny as hell. Hannity's butt buddy Mark Levin just blew a fuse, crusty enough to yell when he suffered a nerfball smack to his schnoz. Like all broadcast personalities, Levin got a DHS card that permits him to travel. "What the hell is this?!" he railed. "Are we in East Germany? If I get stopped by a cop, I show him my card and the letter in my glovebox. See? My papers are in order!" Still laughing at him. Money isn't freedom, oh Great Jewish One, party member in good standing. By the way, Mark, you don't have a clue why $2 trillion in helicopter money is bad policy. Has nothing to do with our children and granchildren. We're going to pay for it instantly in wholesale and consumer product price inflation.

I tire of explaining the obvious.

Ooops. I beg your pardon. Levin finally snapped to the problem of inflation in Hour Three of his show. Better late than never. Fixed incomes will buy less. State budgets will go bust. The price of health care and drugs will skyrocket, he warned angrily.

Yup. $100 toilet paper, if you can find any, Mark.

News flow is not good. Chaos at Kroger stores, everything flying off the shelves as soon as they're restocked. Early closing at WalMart. Managers and checkout clerks imposing limits on purchases of peanut butter, dog food, cereal. Truckers driving long hours, seven days a week [Trucking Network report]. I don't like the mood. America is days, not weeks, from serious trouble breaking out, hijacked big rigs, fistfights in grocery store aisles, police stopping cars with out-of-state plates, police questioning people in general, where are you going? A week ago, the wholesale price of a dozen eggs was $1. This week it jumped to $3.

The Pentagon is calling up reserves to active duty for a reason.


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