Thursday, November 22, 2018

Can't make this shit up

"We can chew gum and eat at the same time."
Debbie Dingle (D-Mich) on NPR, explaining Dem congressional agenda

The lame duck Republican who set up Brett Kavanaugh for public humiliation and now threatens to block all further Trump judicial confirmations is named Flake.

And the California town completely destroyed by fire was Paradise.


Thursday, November 8, 2018


Life suddenly became extremely bizarre. In 1997, I concocted a character name for a valiant USMC hero on Mars in the 22nd century. Today I received an email from a young woman who asked if I knew her late father, who in reality had the same name and same USMC rank.

How does one explain the inexplicable? -- and what cosmic whiplash might happen next? -- email from Lt. Janet DiMarco, or a real Col. Chris Cable married to a real Peachy?

Thank God my writing career is over, no blasphemy intended.


Somewhat silly