Sunday, April 26, 2020

The virtue of auctions

NPR is relentlessly stupid. They tussled mightily and very politely for three scripted minutes on the hypothetical question of who should get the nonexistent corona virus vaccine first? There's a strong likelihood that there will never be such a thing. After 40 years of Hollywood heartache and lavish government spending, there's no HIV vaccine. Why can't anyone tell the truth on NPR?  "Corona" is a genus; this one is the Wuhan, named for place of origin. Because the Wuhan virus is similar in shell structure to HIV, it may be equally impossible to develop an effective vaccine, assuming that the virus doesn't mutate. Annual flu vaccine doesn't work very well, ineffective in many cases, because the damn flu bugs mutate frequently. Wuhan might modulate or mutate by the time there's a vaccine in a year or three.

Okay, let's play the NPR game. Who should get the vaccine first? Health care workers? Nope. Grocery store clerks? Uh-uh. Government officials, military, and cops? Wrong. Elderly and people with pre-existing morbidity? Bzzzt. NPR fails 4 for 4. Then it emerges that what they really care about is the world's poor, without mentioning how many people in the world are poor. It's 6 out of 7 billion. Where do you get 7 billion doses? NPR doesn't know and feels very distressed, according to the script they were reading. I hope you grasp that there's zero spontaneity in an NPR news broadcast. NPR talent specialize in faking improv while reading, asking each other scripted questions and expressing scripted concern for the poor. Even the "thank you" handoff is scripted. The only unscripted voices on NPR are Democrat politicians and former Obama officials who know in advance what the questions will be. NPR producers, writers, and directors run the whole news operation end to end, no different than CNN.

Be that as it may, the matter of creating 7 billion vaccine doses is simple. We auction them. The ultra rich will pay $20,000 a dose to be first in line, which capitalizes a bigger batch that sells for $1,000 to the much wider group of the world's millionaires, approximately 300,000 people worldwide, which capitalizes serious mass production that sells to ordinary middle class people in America and Western Europe, about 1 billion doses at $50, after which it goes off patent and the generic versions are so cheap that all the poor on earth get vaccinated for pennies. That's the virtue (and capitalist power) of auctions. A designer bathrobe costs $900, 30% less at Macy's, only $49 for a mass produced WalMart knock-off, and $5 in a thift shop.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way with water or toilet paper, which are ubiquitous and cheap and have to be produced locally because they're low value goods -- ludicrous luxury items if you have to transport them halfway around the world. I worked in North Africa. The tap water was filthy, and we bought drinking water bottled in Europe, an absurd economic penalty. That's Africa in a nutshell, absurdly misgoverned by tribal dictators and bureaucrats. Same problem in Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, Atlanta, Savannah, Washington DC. It's insane that industrial powerhouses like Houston, Cleveland, and Minneapolis are governed by grasping thieves, a perpetual "one man one vote" swindle of free shit welfare payola, price no object because race pimps are hostile to preserving anything we need, like low taxes, liberty, and stern interdiction of narcotics, gang bangers, and voter fraud.


Monday, April 20, 2020


My daughter drew these cartoons in 2012 when I was an active member of Zoetrope. The animal characters are Pokemon "Nine Tails." Contrary to the imputation presented above, I actually am her father. I held her and fed her and read stories to her at bedtime and walked her to school hand in hand, until she became a teenager and concluded that she knew more than I did, which might be true. My Latin is sketchy, and I can't do algebra or calculus.

Video hits #1

Video hits #2

Video hits #3

Wolf DeVoon was

I gasped in shock, $11 a barrel. Cushing is full, every available Suez supertanker full, floating storage going nowhere. Frackers are bankrupt and majors are bleeding red ink. Thousands of Mom and Pop stripper fields with "nodding donkey" pump jacks don't justify the electricity it takes to produce 10 bbls a day. 90% of global transport is idle, tens of thousands of passenger jets parked at maintenance fields, tens of millions of cars parked at home. Auto plants shut. Car repair shops, dealers, and rental companies dead broke and choking financially.

My finance buddy joked ten years ago: "A gallon of gold and a barrel of silver" as a portfolio hedge. A gallon of gold was about $100,000 back then, has doubled in price since, and might double again. Printing trillions of dollars of helicopter money ignited a fire under precious metals. They can't print gold. Global production of gold peaked in 2013. Domestic production peaked in 1998 and has been declining ever since. I remember buying gold at $400 an ounce, then $800 an ounce. $2000 an ounce looms on the horizon, maybe as soon as August. This is not good news. It means a wave of inflation at the grocery store. Weeks ago, I warned about distribution fragility, big rig drivers overworked, road service and tire shops shut.

The socialists on NPR think that a conspiracy of right wing DC nonprofits prompted people to protest at state capitals, honking car horns in Operation Gridlock. They ain't seen nothing yet. As the weather warms, there will be disorganized riots and looting, unstoppable by police forces laid low by viral infection. The uptick in suicide and mass shootings will be mild in comparison to the agony brewing in Chicago, Baltimore/DC, New York.

You wanted big government, you finally got it.


Zero dollar oil

I gasped in shock, $11 a barrel. Cushing is full, every available Suez supertanker full, floating storage going nowhere. Frackers are bankrupt and majors are bleeding red ink. Thousands of Mom and Pop stripper fields with "nodding donkey" pump jacks don't justify the electricity it takes to produce 10 bbls a day. 90% of global transport is idle, tens of thousands of passenger jets parked at maintenance fields, tens of millions of cars parked at home. Auto plants shut. Car repair shops, dealers, and rental companies dead broke and choking financially.

My finance buddy joked ten years ago: "A gallon of gold and a barrel of silver" as a portfolio hedge. A gallon of gold was about $100,000 back then, has doubled in price since, and might double again. Printing trillions of dollars of helicopter money ignited a fire under precious metals. They can't print gold. Global production of gold peaked in 2013. Domestic production peaked in 1998 and has been declining ever since. I remember buying gold at $400 an ounce, then $800 an ounce. $2000 an ounce looms on the horizon, maybe as soon as August. This is not good news. It means a wave of inflation at the grocery store. Weeks ago, I warned about distribution fragility, big rig drivers overworked, road service and tire shops shut.

The socialists on NPR think that a conspiracy of right wing DC nonprofits prompted people to protest at state capitals, honking car horns in Operation Gridlock. They ain't seen nothing yet. As the weather warms, there will be disorganized riots and looting, unstoppable by police forces laid low by viral infection. The uptick in suicide and mass shootings will be mild in comparison to the agony brewing in Chicago, Baltimore/DC, New York.

You wanted big government, you finally got it.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Intellectual poverty

I monitor the BBC late at night, often a barometer of global thought, such as it is. Last night the subject was the Covid 19 crisis. Guess what was *NOT* mentioned during a one-hour panel discussion among allegedly notable thought leaders in Britain, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland. Correctamundo, China. The origin of Covid 19 was animals (!) and it was serenely accepted that Nature will continually threaten humanity with new infections. HIV and Ebola were mentioned as prior viral pandemics, reprehensible in the context of stigmatizing the sick, emphatically condemned by BBC panelists. They also agreed without exception that rich European countries (there is only one: Germany) were obligated to bail out poor European countries, especially chronically bankrupt, socialist Spain and Italy. The Swiss human rights expert (?) spoke angrily about solidarity and unity. I suspected her day job was communist agitator. The editor of Lancet advised there was no cure forthcoming and therefore it's imperative for governments to impose totalitarian control of everything.

Callers asked the experts a string of softball questions. The answer was always more fascist control, more government spending, no exit from lock down. Immunity was poo-pooed as divisive and socially improper for some to be treated differently than others. We all have to suffer indefinitely, forget about weeks or months of solitary confinement. Two allegedly positive aspects of global economic disaster were an increased appreciation of nationalized health care workers and the possibility of leveraging revitalized pan-European consensus to inflict more hardship by fighting climate change. Unemployed societies produce less CO2 emissions and eat less food, proving that BBC experts can kill fossil fuel. American frackers are bankrupt, already cut 2 million barrels per day of oil production, hurrah!

No one was worried about inflation, scarce food production, or fragility of transport. The BBC panelists were like primitives or small children, unable to conceive how goods and services magically come into existence. It was merely a policy decision for governments to distribute food, medical services, and entertainment bandwidth "fairly" to 400 million rightless, idle European citizens in permanent lock down. The problem of Africa never came up, except in condemnation of European disunity concerning settlement of refugees and migrants.

Same story on NPR. Black Americans are dying from Wuhan virus at triple the rate of whites. Has nothing to do with black behavior, unanimously agreed by government spokesmice. It's racism and social disadvantage. They previously declared that AIDS had nothing to do with sodomy. Please note that no one on earth has yet to develop an effective HIV virus vaccine, after 40 years of lavish government subsidies. Outrageous and insane that homosexuality is pitched as a legally protected privilege in mandatory K-12 sex education classes. Hopefully, U.S. public schools and state universities will remain closed forever.

The NPR cure for unending isolation and economic disaster? -- "comfort music" composed by obscure, dreamy airheads, all of whom in today's broadcast were latino. The TED talks that followed were equally soporific. Discussion of 1918 Spanish flu social distancing confirmed the imperative of closing all theaters, restaurants, and religious services. Social welfare and psychological safety nets must be deployed worldwide. Vaccination, whether effective or not, should be mandatory and universal, including vaccination of bats in Peru to halt rabies infection of sleeping children. If you live in New York, put a teddy bear in your window.

Commercial radio channels are chockablock with Public Service Announcements, because advertising croaked. Go online and complete the 2020 census to provide more heath care and government education for the next ten years. Wash your hands and stand six feet apart.

You know what's profoundly sad? The lost youth of the Wilson sisters. The insolent swagger of young Chrissie Hynde, hot stud Tom Jones, the mature warmth of Robert Palmer. I don't care if a million Americans die this year, which they will, as per usual. We lost the power and poetry of boundless freedom when Bonham and Carlin died years ago. Nothing much left to save, some vinyl and CDs, a few videos. Let's nuke Beijing and call it square.

Do you have any idea of what's going on at U.S. power plants? Rows of RVs in the parking lot, crews of operators quarantined at their place of employment, working 14 days straight, then swapped with an offsite crew that had been quarantined at home and tested twice. Better paid than Chinese slave labor, but equally rightless. The supply chain of pump gaskets, light bulbs, SO2 detectors, and coffee filters is shaky. With Smithfield in Souix Falls shut down, there may be a sudden scarity of bacon. I don't think anyone can operate a U.S. power plant without bacon. Just saying. More bad news: another meat packing plant closed in Greeley. Fifty retail grocery clerks dead from "essential" viral infection.

Forced sameness, one rule for all. Stay home and wash your hands. If you go out, do yourself a favor, citizen, and leave your smartphone home. It's being monitored and located 24/7 to report where you went and who you came into contact with. Not joking. Not an exaggeration. It's hard to grasp how low we've sunk as chatty, ditzy middle brow technology users. Heart, heart, smiley face.


Chris and Peachy are suddenly important

Under normal circumstances, becoming an obscure monk to write coloratura noir romance is a thankless task. Old fashioned, Cass says. No hope of a movie deal which, believe it or not, was my sole purpose in writing the four-volume Case Files of Cable & Blount. Do I remember it correctly? Over 600 pages of comedy, mystery, steely resolve, gunfights, and some of the hottest boy-girl sex ever presented in frank language. For fun, look up coloratura. It does not refer to "persons of color" as the expression goes, which dimly implies that I'm as white as paper and that only Africans and mestizos have meaningful color. How silly. Negroes are inky black or mahogany brown, except for mixed race people like Barack Obama. If a caucasian is mixed race like I am (French, Prussian, and a dash of Norse) we're called mutts. Mutts are more surefooted and less fractious than thoroughbreds, which is why mules were important in the Old West, pulled heavy wagons in teams.

I pulled the heavy wagon of literary drama solo. It had to be that way for an authorial voice to emerge. Why is that important? Because voice infuses story with life, if the writer is a rebel in command of original work. When I worked in Hollywood, everyone religiously repeated a tired sermon "There are no new stories" because they were incapable of original work.

I mentioned Case Files of Cable & Blount in the context of tyranny. Chris and Peachy live in a world that no longer exists. I recommend that you read it. Something very important was lost recently, and it behooves you to experience an exposition of what liberty means. Chris and Peachy never heed regulations, never follow the rules of common sense. If they did, they would be no different than the folks next door, which other novelists endeavor to celebrate, especially people of color writing about their favorite aunt or antebellum hardship. Stephen King concocts malevolent ghouls, and P.G. Wodehouse laughs at Roaring 20s English pajama boys. I write about hard white American heroes and lovers, people in trouble typically self actualized as their professional duty. Private investigators know that cops do little and solve nothing. Chris and Peachy have the advantage of ample power and unbreakable devotion to each other, keenly aware of the palpable pulse of life on life's terms, male and female.

I may be the only contemporary writer who knows what liberty is.

In a nutshell, liberty means no handouts for Africa, no matter how many millions of women and children are starving, ignored and penalized by their governments and threatened with Wuhan virus on top of rising prices, food shortages, no sanitation, widespread HIV infection, malaria, and police orders to lock down, forbidding men to work. Liberty means a bright line between self and others, no matter how others exercise their powers, or whether they are doomed. Liberty is not fair or benevolent. It is a universal legal and moral right to thrive, to the extent that one can. What Africa needs is what America needs, less government, more liberty, pandemic or murderous gangs notwithstanding. America has murderous gangs that government has failed to eradicate. Gang threats cease in the Second Amendment liberty of personal self-defense, which Chris and Peachy consistently exercise with excellence. More people could and should defend themselves instead of remaining hapless victims, hoping that government will protect them, feed them, and make life happier. Every dollar that the state gathers to itself is a dollar taken from victims that they pretend to shelter. The truth of government is arbitrary power very thinly disguised as patriotism. That's why Chris walked away from his legacy as a sprig of institutionalized power, and won personal autonomy.

How well a man lives today is less important than his liberty because liberty is an open door to a freer life tomorrow, or a higher challenge, depending on what opposes his progress. In today's Covid-19 tyranny, the human right of liberty seems distant. Hah! -- an illusion, easily sidestepped. Buy a set of surgical scrubs, a stethoscope, and a pair of paper booties. Shazam, you're an overworked neurosurgeon. If an undocumented immigrant can get a fake ID in Los Angeles, so can you. A mail carrier outfit is not hard to fabricate. Learn a foreign language.

But all such disguises are unnecessary. Your search for liberty should have begun years ago, as a teenager, right? Liberty is not a new subject to any man or woman on Earth. Tomorrow is a blank page in an unfolding drama, of which you are necessarily the author and actor. There could be a pivotal choice today, if it's time to reclaim more of your liberty, independent of whatever chains of sorrow have kept you from the pursuit of happiness, a fundamental right that no government or family can legally abridge. I realize that there are moral ambiguities and impossible conflicts. Without difficult challenges, there is no story in your story.

I like the story of Chris and Peachy, both of them challenged repeatedly by government and family pressures. They have the advantage of long experience as self-reliant rebels, seeking greater liberty and personal happiness, neither of which is easily won. The first three Case Files novels are $5 in a Smashwords edition. Charity, my favorite Chris and Peachy adventure, is available on Kindle, and the concluding double mystery Finding Flopsie is at Amazon. All four Case Files novels were revised and published together in a collector's edition. The cover photo is a fictional "Treloar Building" in salute to Ray Chandler. Chris met Peachy on the 3rd floor corridor. He was drilling into a bomb. She became curious and wouldn't go away.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Storm clouds on a black horizon

Mark Levin is rightly alarmed. The details don't matter. Have you read Atlas Shrugged? We're nearing the dystopia of government directives, empty factories, and gutted transportation, a moratorium on brains. The Wuhan virus was a sort of trapdoor. State after state, people were ordered to go home, do nothing. It's becoming clear that lock-down will never end. Printing helicopter money is economic poison. $20 oil is worse. Looks good at the pump, 99 cents a gallon, 79 cents a gallon, nowhere to go, police stopping cars at roadblocks, churches closed, playgrounds and parks closed. A sole surfer arrested on an empty L.A. beach. That's all on the surface, upsetting but unimportant. Oil companies, distributors, and gas stations are going broke. Big rig truckers and food distributors will be next.

Do you know who's in greatest danger from the Wuhan virus? Forget about the elderly and infirm. Almost a million die every year. Doctors and nurses are in greatest danger of physical collapse and infection. Ditto big city cops and EMS, so-called first responders. But I digress. Government has rushed student doctors into practice, granted "temporary" licenses. Police badges are being pinned on new recruits, no training or qualifications required.

Perhaps there'll be a November general election, a handsome pervert like Andrew Cuomo with pierced nipples chosen to replace Donald Trump. I'm sure the victorious Democrats will want show trials to punish Trump's honesty.

Oh, well. Whatever else I might have said is no longer possible. My laptop display is cracking up. Good old workhorse, a million words in publication, a couple dozen heroic fictional men and women for whom liberty is a personal possession, price no object. I'll shut it down and see if it recovers.

I don't think people appreciate how important diesel fuel and big rigs are. If truckers get sick or quit in disgust, America will starve to death, no gasoline delivered to your village, no food in the grocery store. Government is going to print trillions. It will be spent on alcohol and narcotics. Not a single free helicopter dollar will result in productive activity. I'm mindful of the money earmarked to support the "national security" sector, producing war birds, ships, and munitions. No one prospers by killing people and breaking things. No one ever has.

In an earlier post, I predicted that we'll be stuck in this fascist hell 15 months, assuming that there's a safe, effective vaccine next year. Economists now predict that recovery will take at least three years. So sad, the America of my youth is dead. We have never fought over toilet paper before, never surrendered our liberty before. It's impossible for a boy and a girl to hold hands in a movie theater, sip chocolate malts at a diner, kiss goodnight under a porch light.

I don't blame politicians or doctors. I blame the pajama boys and fags, activist judges and academics who stumped for safe spaces, denaturing our courage and installing cowards in public office. There will be hell to pay. The Navy hospital ship parked in Los Angeles harbor has admitted no patients. What we are suffering is a gigantic political hoax. Among 40 million Californians, 370 die every day from cancer, heart failure, car accidents, overdoses, and old age. Only four more per day have died from Wuhan virus. California was infected early and often by thousands of Chinese arrivals in December and January, and tens of thousands of Californians were infected, before anyone knew that their mild symptoms were a "fatal" corona virus. They recovered and developed herd immunity. Shutting down the California economy was unnecessary. Farm laborers have been denied visas. We're going to lose the agricultural produce of California by NIH incompetence, distrustful and envious of liberty.

The steamroller of fascism is truly breathtaking. Pervert Cuomo has just issued an order to seize all private hospital PPE and operating room ventilators, stripping them of heart surgery and emergency care. By the time this is over, there will be industrial expropriation, scarcity, inflation, looting, murder, martial law, strikes, and insurrection.

Montana and Alaska will secede.

The United States was a unique nation with an uninterrupted history of civil liberty. Fascism will not stand, will not be suffered by a free people.


Poison goo

Old hippies will remember The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, easily the best comic books of our stoned generation. I commend to your recollection Fat Freddy stomping on cockroaches in the kitchen, determined to eradicate them. Next panel, under the refrigerator, a cockroach general is dressed like MacArthur, dark sunglasses and pipe. A distressed lieutenant reports 100 troops killed. The general calmly observes: "I have billions of them. We will prevail."

Let's examine a sequence of published facts. Wuhan is the location of a Chinese biowarfare laboratory. NIH scientists say that the "novel corona virus" is unlike all others. It's sheathed with an HIV shell and survives on surfaces up to 72 hours. It may have been engineered. A benign explanation is that it was released accidentally from the Wuhan laboratory. It seems implausible that the Chinese authorities would deliberately kill their own people, right?

Not so fast. The Chinese government suppressed initial reports of an outbreak in Wuhan. An alarmed doctor was detained by police for five weeks and died. Two journalists disappeared. The government allowed (encouraged?) a mass Wuhan banquet attended by 40,000 families and did not quarantine Wuhan until there were hundreds of deaths and tens of thousands infected, many thousands who traveled to Italy, Iran, South Korea, and the United States. Let's suppose that the "wet market bat" story was disinformation. Chinese officials advised WHO that the respiratory disease in Wuhan was not communicable by human-to-human contact, which was a lie and had to be revised six weeks later. Offers of U.S. medical experts were rebuffed. China accused the U.S. Army of releasing the virus, another lie. The benign explanation is repeated attempts to save face, an important Chinese cultural tradition.

Not so fast. China got its butt kicked in Trump's trade war. Their economic house of cards is crumbling for structural reasons, and they have been universally condemned for slave labor and brutal "re-education" camps full of Muslim prisoners. Beijing and Shanghai are almost uninhabitable with pea soup air polution. Hong Kong is in open rebellion. Red China has no chance of winning a kinetic war with the United States, nor is that a strategic objective. They want to become a dominant global superpower as stealthily as possible.

I think the novel virus was a deliberate release to cripple us economically. It was a matter of indifference to Xi and his inner circle that some thousands or tens of thousands were killed in China, plus thousands who traveled to and infected Italy, Germany, Iran, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Africa, England, France, and the United States -- which is dependent on China for pharmaceuticals, vitamins, cheap consumer goods, and electronics. It is almost unanimously agreed that the U.S. has to claw back production of pharmaceuticals and vitamins pronto as a national security matter.

Terrible news flow: The White House Task Force projects that up to 200,000 Americans could die from the bioweapon unleashed by China (an act of war). Long haul truckers are working 90 hours a week, 20% shortfall of drivers, DMV offices closed, no way to license more big rig pilots. Virus outbreaks on two 7th Fleet aircraft carriers. 500 TSA workers tested positive. Houston air traffic control suspended. 1500 NYPD cops and EMS infected. New York hospitals mobbed, doctors and nurses begging for help. Rhode Island National Guard stationed on highways, at bus stations, going door to door looking for New Yorkers. Texas troopers doing the same at airports and highway checkpoints, detaining escapees from New Orleans. Florida cops searching for New Yorkers, breaking up religious services. Nationally, you need DHS permission to visit a dentist for emergency care. Arkansas troops are breaking up crowds in state parks. Oklahoma has relaxed its rules to serve as a police officer, no training required. Numerous states unable to process or pay unemployment claims. Trump says that perhaps some liberty can be restored in June, which I doubt. It will take America years to recover, unless we're attacked by another more lethal Chinese bioweapon.

Much depends on bare knuckles economic war to punish a dangerous adversary that has tens of thousands of agents embedded in U.S. tech firms, higher ed, Democrat campaign funding, and organized crime. We should task FBI and DEA agents to investigate Chinese criminals and saboteurs, but it won't be sufficient, like Fat Freddy stomping roaches in the kitchen.

There are billions of Chinese. They will prevail unless we put on our Orkin hazmat suits and squirt poison goo in the supply chain cupboard, starting with rotten Apple. Put WalMart on a diet, punitive tariffs on slave labor Christmas decorations and toys. Dell and HP will have to train Americans to build computers, immediate blockade of Chinese components. We can import smartphones, big screens, and auto parts from South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.

Fumigate the fucking murderers. Deport all Chinese diplomats, commercial envoys, tourists, and students. Evacuate all Americans from Communist China except Elon Musk. If they want kinetic war, do it. Find their subs and kill them.

Rush Limbaugh and I are the same age. I can read between the lines, because I understand him. He's been briefed. He knows that it was a deliberate Chicom biowarfare attack. I agree with Rush that it's intolerable to duck and cover, to destroy our economy, allow a handful of infected sailors to cripple 7th Fleet naval aviation operations, and let imbecile politicians repeal the Bill of Rights, state by state, unopposed. We support President Trump, but he's been mesmerized by Deep State statistical modeling. Trump has to be shaken as roughly as possible by his friends. Let freedom ring, and bring China to book, indict their asses.
