Monday, March 29, 2021

The American Creed

 I'm an American.


I believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association, choosing what to say, how to behave, and who I befriend, without unreasonable restraint by government. The sole purpose of government is to defend the innocent, punish violence, and deter aggression by foreign countries.


Elections and referendums that determine public policy are constitutional rights explicitly given to We The People and state legislatures to provide in keeping with common sense, advance registration and nonpartisan ballot counting in each local district, verifying the identity and eligibility of each voter.


I believe in the civil right of marriage, one man and one woman, who have a natural right and primary responsibility to care for and educate their children. No one can be compelled by government to harm themselves or their children by tolerating indoctrination that "cancels" free speech.


I believe in private property. Good fences make good neighbors. I believe in the common law right of self defense and the constitutional right to keep and bear arms to defend myself and my loved ones in the event of criminal assault, legally answerable for use of lethal force.



In case of social emergency


Emotions are not tools of cognition. (Ayn Rand)

Bizarre things I've done

Umpired a baseball game in prison, two teams of violent felons.

Gate crashed Stanley Kubrick's mansion at night in a black taxi.

Bought country & western radio spots to elect a liberal Democrat.

Told Boris that his new machine gun was nice, but leave it in the car.

Introduced to a Sicilian, who offered: "I'll call you Count Al, okay?"

A restaurant plate of brains that a bald audiologist insisted I try.