Sunday, September 23, 2018

Okay, smart guy, now what?

Totally brainless. 

Apparently, I'm not going to die tomorrow or on a predictable schedule. This is both good news and awful news. I'll have to do something about that, write something. Please, no more novels, way too much work, months of frigid winter looming on the horizon. It would be nice to write something that made money. I had a gig last month, notes and ideas. Unlikely that the same lightning would hit my wallet twice. Tom chipped in money ostensibly for services rendered a year ago. I consider it a gift, little chance of paying him back. Uncertain if there's any carpentry work to be had, or whether I'm strong enough to do that again. Rats.

As interesting as the puzzle of poverty may be, that's not the big problem. I need an idea. I already discarded (again) the stupid cozy mystery The Dead Things Place that I started in 1987 and tossed in the trash. I can do a lot of things, but I can't write anything simple, a whodunnit in a redwood forest, a Park Service ranger who has to figure out how a body got dumped. Gah.

Okay, smart guy, where to?

Not outer space. Been there, done that. I toyed with the idea of shooting video at the Pioneer Gathering event next week, a couple hundred people, black powder rifles, hatchet throwing, handiwork, coal-fired donkey engines, bluegrass music. It's something that anyone could do, shooting fish in a barrel with a little HD camera. Nope. Any doofus can make a documentary. Video schmideo.

A nonfiction essay about Trump and the Democrats. Pt-t-t-th. I used to be fairly creative, for fuck's sake. The last thing I need to do is follow headlines, get lost in a shitstorm of bloggers and 180-character twats. Same problem with work for hire at Upwork. Last time I wrote an article there, the client screwed me. Projects offered that I wouldn't touch with a dirty fork. Sometimes I think the world has gone bonkers. But that doesn't solve my problem. I need a creative chore that makes sense, something only I can do.

Hmph. That would be a story (taps fingers on keys). Maybe a short story.

Who? Where? When? What? Why?

(insert idea here)



  1. Netflix is the new black. You should work up something to pitch to them. Something edgy and woke. And really, Wolf, you need to get your ass woke a little. That's your biggest problem I think.

    1. And I'm not totally unknown, haha - I think you will recognize my Voice if you try. But I told it to post as Cass McMain, and it just... didn't.

  2. Glad to hear you open and looking!! And not checking out any time soon! Didn't you have a Western in the wings?
