Thursday, January 3, 2019

Okay, fine.

I accept that I'm going to lose during my remaining lifetime. Jews, blacks, gays, bureaucrats, media marionettes, mystics, and man-haters will win. That does not, however, make them victors, destined to rule forever. To grab the levers of legislation and starve our women and children today or tomorrow proves nothing. Love of liberty will never die, and the bloody hands of socialism will wither and crack, poisoned by their own evil.

The next century will be mine (and every freeman's).

Political struggles are measured in centuries. For thousands of years, men were ruled by a cabal of incoherent priests and absolute monarchs. Science consisted of devising weapons, no different than Raytheon. Architects built sacred temples and artists painted fantasies, no different than the Kennedy School of Government, the Kennedy Center, and Marvel comics depicting verklempt, altruistic superheroes who do not and cannot exist in reality. All of it is a stupendous bluff to keep men cowed and dreamy, engineered by Democrats, praying for another Kennedy dynasty to be celebrated and immortalized and worshipped as airbrushed cartoon superheroes. The Clintons attempted it. Obama succeeded.

Against this, lone heretics like Spinoza and Voltaire spoke simple truths, not addressed to those in power, but to freemen who would follow in the future. Their wisdom powered our Gilded Age, a brief interval in American history that spawned an industrial society of factories and railroads, an explosion of opportunity and wealth. Government was nearly disbanded. Authority was ridiculed by Thomas Edison, an uneducated orphan who became an engine of useful inventions like stock tickers and multiplex telegraphy, audio recordings and motion pictures, electric illumination and magnetic separators. Another orphan, Philo T. Farnsworth, walked away from the imbecility of Mormon fantasy and created television. A pair of bicycle mechanics made powered flight a new goal to inspire generations of aerospace engineers, and another loner who tinkered with motor cars pioneered mass production and made it possible for farmers to retire their horses and mules, merchants to deliver goods in remote locations. We owe him our very lives, because medicine and surgery were freed from a cage of isolation and ignorance. An impoverished Polish chemist discovered radium and led the way to modern physics, sustainable space exploration, and nuclear powered submarines. A penniless Scot came to America in the Gilded Age, organized efficient steel production and endowed lending libraries to lift the veil of superstition.

My job was simple. I followed a lead that Benjamin Franklin bequeathed, to liberate lawyers and judges from the sewer of political appointments. I took James Otis literally, that an act of legislation, no matter how popular, was void if it violated the principle of equity. It's a grim indictment of American culture how badly that term has been twisted by Democrats. It does not mean "social justice" or seizing wealth from those who earned it.

As the Gilded Age enabled us to enjoy material prosperity 100 years ago, it will come to pass 100 years hence, when men are free to colonize space, that another stake will be hammered into the black heart of government. You'd think it would be obvious today that legislation is a moral, financial, and social trainwreck, destroying everything and everyone that it attempts to transmute, no different than medieval alchemists and deluded Crusaders. Seizure of our liberty as pioneers and experimenters is an illusion, a bad bluff that evaporates when we give them nothing, no votes, no respect, no taxes, not a single word of debate in their rigged law courts, and ignore their vapid academic entreaties to kneel at the altar of obedience.

Voltaire and Spinoza showed us the path forward. James Otis was physically attacked and maimed by tax collectors, inspiring a revolution that dethroned a king and freed us to walk away from a distant and corrupt Parliament, vainglorious figureheads and manipulators of rotten boroughs, no different than today's "community organizers" in bullet riddled Chicago and Baltimore, gutted ruins of formerly prosperous producers of plenty. California was an unrivaled industrial giant, home to aircraft engineering, shipbuilding, and oil exploration, highly skilled and highly paid employment. Gone, all of it, the rotten borough plaything of Democrats and ghetto thugs chanting murderous doggerel to unemployable incompetents who suck the swollen teats of a bankrupt welfare state and sell drugs to school children.

Give them nothing. Find a new frontier to explore.


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