Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Nothing will work right until we abolish legislation, election of public officials, and taxation. It's all well and good, I suppose, that most law school students are female, numerous courts have female judges, and welfare families with a female head of household can knock down $70,000 a year in benefits if she has three or more children, according to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. It might be 20% more in Chicago and New York, with significantly higher housing and public school costs. Zoom out a little. Women are pushing men out of higher ed, the legal profession, and tens of millions of households. None of that would have happened without a show of hands, elected officials, and legislation. Capiche? If that's unclear, think about 18 years of folly in Afghanistan, 79,000 "wounded warriors" in Shrub's $2 trillion snipe hunt for WMD in Iraq, two million murdered in Vietnam by Johnson and Nixon. We're $25 trillion in debt, zero hope of reversing a dime of it, $200 trillion of unfunded entitlement promises without Bernie's plan to forgive student loans, free college, free Medicare For All, taxing gasoline, income, property, and savings out of existence for the public good.

A free society does not have "public" anything. All higher ed, law courts, and charities are private ventures supported voluntarily by people who want to support them. Ditto private border control, law enforcement, and national defense, which I've written and lectured about extensively. A necessary precondition for liberty is to shut down fascism. Duh.

Something I wrote 30 years ago: We're partying in the fading sunset of industrial power and privilege inherited from our grandparents and great grandparents, a vast shower of wealth soaked through to the weakest seed, you and me included.

Why anybody thinks that secession or civil war will be peaceful or rational escapes me. I just heard a book author on a morning radio show, cheerfully contemplating a negotiated fair division of the national debt, passport-free borders so that everyone can visit Disneyland, an expanded NAFTA confederation of states that despise each other. Maybe some of Virginia's counties could join West Virginia, and Northern California could divorce San Francisco.

Bullshit. Insurrections. Federal troops. A declaration of secession, then another. Millions of soccer moms terrified, schools closed, thousands of men killed, then rebellious troops versus Federal troops versus well-armed militias, neighbor against neighbor in race wars, collapse of the oil industry, no fuel in winter, no fuel to escape, WalMarts and gun shops looted.

Ludicrous to suppose that nothing will happen if Trump is re-elected. Absolutely certain that Milwaukee will explode if Bernie is shoved aside in a brokered convention. Paradoxically, a black socialist -- Blind Patrick or Malicious Michelle -- would pour snake oil over the Bernie bullshit and probably defeat Trump. Heads they win, tails we lose the future.


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