Thursday, November 18, 2021

Mountain climbing


I don't want to do this. I'm old and tired, don't get enough sleep. There's nothing left to prove. Nobody reads me anyway, so what difference at this point does it make, to quote a profoundly corrupt Secretary of State. Great model for a villain, ne c'est pas? I don't want another villain or a hero or anything simple. Been there, done that multiple times. I need to conceive a traditional long form novel, 1000 pages in hardcover, a heavy weapon in close quarters if you have to clunk somebody over the head with it.


I'm not going to self-publish it. Agents and publishers get a veto on serious literature. Ups the ante in a lifelong poker game, me against the world. I need to envision four aces and a joker. It will take years to write and more years to shop. I might not live to see it in print, which is fine, published posthumously for promotional oomph. Maybe it will prompt bookish people to read some of my adventure novels and frown at the old fashioned formula, boy meets girl.


Huge mountain to climb. An epic novel that's not about boy meets girl.



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