Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Zero tolerance of crime


If you lived in a totalitarian state, with one party rule, secret police, industrial oligarchs, and favored journalists who spout propaganda, you'd be justified in thinking that it was organized crime, no better than China or Russia, dangerous to speak the truth.


That's the situation in America today.


Empty store shelves. Inflation. Cancel culture. Preposterous lies. Fake elections tweaked by unionized government workers and ballot harvesters. Kangaroo courts jailing opposition figures if they refuse to testify, vilifying white protestors instead of roaming gangs of blacks who rob and kill, exempt from law enforcement because it serves the doctrine of mass obedience — commanded to stay home and cower, don't fight back, surrender your children to state schools for indoctrination, take mandatory injections and shut up, say nothing, wait in line for emergency care by government ordained protocol that treats people of color first.


Life is good for the oligarchs in Washington and Silicon Valley. Their children go to private schools, have a smooth path in life. High taxes on the rich? Nope. They get to deduct state income tax, travel expense, plus 501 and 504 politically advantageous payola, funding corrupt legislators and phony philanthropists who host glamorous events for the rich. Hunter Biden is exempt from investigation. His father is scripted by secret puppet masters and exempt from honest journalism. Both are owned by China, the financial hidden hand in Silicon Valley, deeply embedded in our national laboratories and state universities.


We are so easily seduced. "There are thousands of dollars of tax credits this year," Jackson Hewitt says in a cheery radio ad aimed at working class chumps hoping for a big refund. The IRS warns don't hold your breath, it may be six months before they'll process 2021 tax returns, if they're filed electronically. Why the delay? Cash flow. The government is broke and the Fed is slamming on the brakes. The only people who will get paid are loyal federal, state, and local Democrats including unionized teachers who don't teach, government retirees, welfare beneficiaries, congressional staff, consultants and left wing academics to lecture millions of bureaucrats coast to coast, preaching diversity, inclusion, and proper use of transgender and non-binary pronouns. Hundreds of billions in hot new IOUs will be splurged on electric cars for official government use.


I advocate zero tolerance of organized crime. There is no Divine Right of total power as a conspiracy of thieves, no virtue in voting ourselves into penury, praying for free pie in the sky. Liberty is the American Way, baking our own damn pies that we worked and saved for — and which no legislature, bureaucrat, or street thug has a constitutional right to steal from our kitchen tables.


Listen to the constitutional doctrine of Biden's puppet masters on Martin Luther King Day and take note: "Voting rights are the source of all other rights."


Can't make this shit up. We are in serious trouble as a nation.


At 9:30 a.m., a black man shoved a petite Asian woman from behind, throwing her in front of a subway train in the Times Square station, one of the most horrible deaths imaginable. The murder was explained and excused by Democrats as the act of a homeless person who needed mental health services. It was not the first time he killed, a long rap sheet for violence, wanted by police for parole violation.


In a recent essay, I said: "Be situationally aware. If possible, run. If not, shoot first, shoot to kill, and keep firing until the threat is ended. You will not succeed without tactical training, 100 hours minimum. The carry weapon of choice is a mid-size 9mm automatic in a gunbelt with a good holster. A normal belt is no good. Ladies have special front carry holsters."


Zero tolerance of crime.



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