Friday, May 20, 2022



We need to face facts. When our creek bridge cracked and eroded, fell apart in a flood, FEMA paid to replace it. They built back worse. Now it floods in every rainstorm. The culvert they specified under five tons of concrete is too small to handle the creek flow. It jams with floating sticks and organic crap.


$1 trillion wasted in Afghanistan, to be defeated, abandoning a strategic airbase. Captured U.S. rockets, MRAPs, body armor, and night vision goggles fell into the hands of Taliban IED terrorists released from Baghram prison. They annihilated the Northern Alliance, killed every man, woman, and child. Corrupt U.S.-salaried Republic of Afghanistan officials and U.S.-trained Republic of Afghanistan pilots stuffed suitcases full of dollars and fled to Uzbekistan in helicopters that we gave them.


$2 trillion wasted in Iraq. Several billions in cash went missing. Thousands of U.S. troops killed, tens of thousands horribly maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. No nuclear WMD. We gave Saddam chemical weapons to help him fight the Iran-Iraq War. His stockpile was exhausted long before we went on an insane hunt to find nothing and lay waste to Iraq cities. We funded a new Republic of Iraq, trained a new Iraqi Army. They ran from battle and lost half the country to ISIS, a new enemy to attack, more U.S. special force butchery. Millions of refugees. Russia bombed our Kurdish proxies in Syria and established Russian bases to defend Assad. Lebanon was destroyed as a civil society. Total failure of U.S. diplomatic and military strategy throughout the entire region.


$5 trillion wasted at home, pampering and multiplying savages who can't read, can't add or subtract, and get three meals a day at unionized zombie schools, a colossal social failure measured in riots, drug dealing, smash and grab, carjacking and gunfire on U.S. city streets. Colleges turn away good students with high test scores. They abandoned all admission testing to enroll more incompetents. Every word broadcast from the White House is a lie. They lied to us about lockdowns, masks, and MRNA shots. They lied to us about election integrity. CDC shut down baby formula production months ago and didn't care that it spawned a crisis. The boy who shot up a grocery store in Buffalo had threatened to shoot up his high school graduation ceremony. Total failure of "red flag" mental health laws, police incompetence, and "gun free zones" that killed children in Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Aurora. Families are fleeing New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle. Thousands of Chinese spies are quietly doing advanced studies at U.S. universities and cleared to work in top secret national laboratories.


Tens of millions of illiterate peasants and gangsters are pouring across the southern border, no longer in peril of arrest or deportation, released to sign up for welfare, free housing, multilingual public schools, drivers licenses, free health care, and ballot harvesting. "Privileged" white kids are being shamed and urged to destroy themselves by gender reassignment without parental consent.


No Federal, state, or local government employee can be fired. No Federal, state, or local official has ever admitted to making a mistake. Now they're playing cute with nuclear war. Putin had ample reason to be alarmed. U.S. special forces were equipping and training the Ukrainian Army before Russia gathered its forces at the border. We gave them Javelin anti-tank, Stinger anti-aircraft, and Harpoon naval rockets, supplied Ukraine with vehicles, ammo, drones, and satellite targeting in a war by proxy with the stated aim of militarily defeating Russia. Federal spending is out of control. Brainless U.S. monetary and fiscal policy crippled our economy. Sky high prices, fuel shortages, U.S. oil drillers handcuffed.


Government is not only stupid. It's suicidal.


Biden read an angry teleprompter in Buffalo about people shot by a teenage "white supremacist" who was previously identified as a threat and held for observation at a hospital, but Biden had no time for or concern about the Christmas Parade massacre in Waukesha — six dead and 70 injured, many seriously, hundreds of women and small children terrorized by a negro with a long rap sheet for violence.


 Joe's suicidal race relations policy? White people don't matter. That's why he threw the border open, flooded the country with Mexican gangsters and fentanyl that killed over 100,000 last year.


I've been warning about the evil of government for 25 years.

(Death To All Flies, 1997)


The opposite of government is private life. I arranged for my daughter to have competent professional training in gymnastics, violin, piano, orchestral composition, contemporary jazz ballet, aviation ground school, horse riding and jumping, video production and editing, and how to drive a full size GMC pickup in city traffic and highway speed. As an 11-year-old kid, she had gun safety training at an indoor range, became a good shot with a rifle, and practiced how to fight kitchen fires.

My wife is worried that electricity will skyrocket in price, then black out. She wants me to test a manual pump to lift water. I said I could build a wood-fired steam engine to generate power. Weird karma!



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