Thursday, August 5, 2021

for Bill Wheatley

My view of life was colored by experience and adequately authenticated evidence. There are many innocent, respectable, honorable, disciplined, trustworthy, decent men in the world. I have always sought and enjoyed their company. Good men are not difficult to find. Many are Catholic. Some are courageous. It is equally true that evil is commonplace. I have a particular horror of evil, and I am incapable of contemplating it or including it in my fictional stories. There are parts of the globe I regret having seen. History is mostly an uninterrupted pageant of vicious brutality, conceit, and tragedy that extends into the modern world. Pakistan. Sudan. Mexico. Syria. Nigeria. Hollywood. Israel. I don't even want to discuss LGBTQ. The worst unforgivable evil today is public broadcasting, especially BBC and its promotion of "modern monetary theory" ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy). Paying people not to work is organized crime, inspired by British Fabians and Keynesians. The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a conspiracy of Mossad, neo-con Jews, Downing Street, and The New York Times, faking "evidence" of yellowcake supposedly shipped to Iraq. The price we paid was 79,000 grievously crippled soldiers and surrender of Iraq to Iran, no different than abandoning Vietnam after killing 2 million Vietnamese. Our covert agenda in both wars was a strategic play for oil. The recent death of Donald Rumsfeld put me in mind of a photograph of Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein on the occasion of supplying Saddam with U.S.-made missiles and U.S. chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq War.


Today, there is a further depth of evil afoot, to bankrupt us and starve our progeny, because a crackpot British Climate Centre faked a global warming "hockey stick." We handed tens of billions to an Israeli to build electric cars that no one can afford, and hundreds of billions are earmarked for charging stations. When we celebrated American freedom on the 4th of July this year, it was a shambles of denial and entropy, $30 trillion of unpayable Federal debt, perhaps another $10 trillion in state and local debt, conventional military readiness rotting and our strategic nuclear forces antique, outgunned 4 to 1 by Russia. We are incapable of restraining China. Where do you think solar panels come from?


I'm focused on writing fiction because men need inspiration. We do not need talking heads and true believers regurgitating old crap dressed up as "new content" that surprises no one.


The motor of inspiration is a genuinely new idea, the unexpected and unique. It is intensely difficult work. Professor Tibor Machan once shouted at me: “It's important to be right!” to which I replied “It's more important to be original.” Whether anyone likes it is irrelevant. How dangerous it is and how much it costs doesn't matter. Creativity can't be legislated or regulated or hectored. Nor can a genuinely new idea be defeated. There is no higher office in human history than propounding an original idea.


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