Thursday, August 5, 2021

Guilt by denunciation

The New York Attorney General (an intersectional black female) denounced Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a masher. Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden said that Cuomo should resign. Every conceivable sound bite and speculation is playing on all channels, because "women should be believed." This is exactly like a wall newspaper smear during the murderous Maoist Cultural Revolution, denouncing a prominent person without due process of law. No grand jury indictment. No criminal complaint. No civil lawsuit. Guilt by decree of a political rival who wants to replace Cuomo, prompting a hurricane of media gossip coast to coast, 24/7, because Cuomo is a white male, presumed toxic. Intersectional female political authority cannot be doubted, and to hell with due process or fair trial by jury.


Jesse Kelly, the new kid in talk radio, protégé of Houston "tsar" Michael Berry, has mooted the notion of national divorce. Red states should quit, like retreating to Taiwan after losing mainland China to Mao. That's how serious this is becoming. Redneck veterans are locked and loaded. If the insane intersectional Democrats attempt to disarm America, there will be war. The millions of illegal immigrants flooding into Texas and bussed to Florida to seed infection and sabotage Red State political and economic success is surpassed by the threat of strangling domestic energy supplies. Florida is a big energy consumer. Texas is a primary producer and refiner of oil to power passenger cars, jet aircraft, heavy equipment, and big rigs. The Green New Deal pending in Congress is an economic death sentence for everyone except social media content moderators and an obese Federal establishment that physically occupies all 50 states.

General Services Administration

210,000 vehicles and 9,600 buildings, 407 million sq ft

Dept of Transportation

69,500 bldgs and structures, plus Amtrak rail and rolling stock


500,000+ housing units deployed


dams, power plants, schools, shops, 147 offices

Veterans Administration

1,424 hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, total 9,220 bldgs

Dept of Justice

4,200 bldgs, 70 million sq ft

USDA Forest Service

373,000 miles of roads, 40,000 bldgs, 12,645 bridges

Dept of Energy

National laboratories, waste dumps, 18,354 structures

US Postal Service

33,264 facilities, unknown number of vehicles and contractors

Dept of Defense

696,470 bldgs worldwide, plus 8 million sq ft in DC


4,660 offices and structures, 44 million sq ft

Corps of Engineers

650 dams, 12,000 miles of channel, 926 harbors, 4,000 bldgs

Dept of Agriculture

49,000 offices and bldgs, 58 million sq ft


249 offices

Homeland Security

30,725 bldgs, 48 million sq ft

Dept of State

15,743 bldgs, plus 1,200 USAID offices and warehouses


officials in every city, millions of subsidized homes


Total: 912,000 structures, 20 million Federal employees and contractors


Democrats want more power. Some say it openly, like Obama, pledging to fundamentally transform America. Who do you think runs the White House? Doddering figurehead Joe has trouble reading a teleprompter. Bankrupting us will put us at the mercy of government, to become perpetually Democrat because they steal elections, lie through their teeth, own the media, and plan to make D.C. a 51st state. Mandating masks and MRNA shots that can't stop viral infection is a gambit to separate and silence us with unconstitutional public health orders to justify mail-in ballots again that they can fiddle with ease, poll watchers socially distanced or ejected again while scanners are fed buckets of extra ballots.


Republicans have no right to complain, complicit in foreign wars and lavish spending. Trump tried to stop the madness and was kneecapped by both parties. His judicial nominees were wobbly, weak kneed "moderates" who know damn fine it's settled law that Congress can do whatever they want to do. The election of 2022 will seal the deal and shut the exits. Nothing will be done about black smash and grab, murder and mayhem, Mexican cartels, inclusion quotas, or triumphant LGBTQ cuddling our kids.


White masculinity is verboten. Accusation is proof.



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